Thursday, February 10, 2011

Charity Friends

The world isnt as candy coated and perfect slathered in copious amounts of good will and love as we all like to fool ourselves into believing. Old people are an inconvenient population that we treat like over sized stuffed carnival prizes or pets,  we often deem people with extremely thick accents to be less intelligent then ourselves no matter where we are from in relation to them, and dont get me started on the lip service that we pay to the disabled population! With that said about these inconvenient truths, we all possess something that we would never call it by its right and truthful but we play the game as such.


Now before you clutch your pearls in disgust and look to your imaginary friend on your side and gasp in disbelief that anybody could say such a thing, consider this! We all have at least one of these people in  our lives where the relationship has gone far past its prime and you just are friends with this person out of sheer obligation maybe because.... you have 68 mutual friends on facebook and they consistently keep up with you, or your dying grandmother is always asking where they are, Or they have fallen victim to some insane circumstances and very often admittedly by their own stupidity and unwise decisions , you take such horrible pity on this person that you cannot simply leave them by their selves at this point in their life!

DISCLAIMER** If you cannot possibly think of anybody in your circle of friends who might fit this description, or you don't have enough friends to think of this person, than unfortunately this is probably you! Don't read on anymore, this will only depress you more and sad charity friends are even worse than the happy ones!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Because People Like Intros....

Introductions are crap to me, why do people need introductions to something like they need a preview of a person before they start listening......? well, now having said that, that could be the answer to the riddle itself..... We go through all types of motions and movements to create the perfect intro out of fear that the listener, whoever they are, if they are even there, or if they are truly listening is just objectively listening to me babble on about important tidbits about myself that somehow qualify the actions and words to come. If i am something of virtue or value, i hope that i reveal that in my body of work, and if you need to know who i am to gain relevance, then read on, i can show you that we have not to many differences in us and simultaneously we have so many unique things that separate us because we all know that we need both to make us feel human, but alas this is not about you! this is about ME! Now that i have introduced myself and you have drawn your judgements, shall i proceed?